This summer, to make the skin to breathe whitening Work? But feel good
Sunny season, bath, air and bright sunshine, the people there are always people, all women, if you can not worry about the damage caused by ultraviolet light, the beauty salon customers in this situation, Wu whitening you need to help her, was conducted at the end.
Skin health first start in the summer to care for the beauty of glossy white becomes more specialized, and can whiten the skin away from the deep clean and efficient care of the skin to prevent aging. Natural glow of the delicate skin care after a new luster, this time I will use a sunscreen, if it is indeed a hot summer is over, tell the customer the product will be very reasonable satisfaction He'll.
UV can not maintain the appearance of white
The Mi Jie - In Asia, the general level of fine ultraviolet radiation
Skin health first start in the summer to care for the beauty of glossy white becomes more specialized, and can whiten the skin away from the deep clean and efficient care of the skin to prevent aging. Natural glow of the delicate skin care after a new luster, this time I will use a sunscreen, if it is indeed a hot summer is over, tell the customer the product will be very reasonable satisfaction He'll.
UV can not maintain the appearance of white
The Mi Jie - In Asia, the general level of fine ultraviolet radiation
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